Please read the following terms & conditions for the use of this website and all content within the website.
See here for the Privacy Policy
Conditions of Use
By using the website you agree to the terms and conditions of use.
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you may not use the website.
Throughout the terms and conditions the terms ‘us’ ‘we’ ‘our’ refer to the website and the terms ‘you’ and ‘your’ as the website user.
It is your responsibility to know and understand the following terms and conditions before using the website and it’s contents.
You agree by using this website to do so in good faith and without malicious intent.
The contents of this website are intended for informational use only.
All contents of this website are the intellectual property of including and not limited to the copy text, patterns and images.
By using this website you agree not to breech copyright or design rights.
Third Party Links
This website contains third party links. We do not monitor third party links and do not take responsibility for any problems incurred by visiting these sites.
Use of Patterns
Users of the site may use the patterns for their own personal use.
Patterns may be used by non profit organisations for community projects and schools. The conditions of use for non profit workshops are as follows:
• workshops to be held by an experienced crochet artist.
• workshops to be provided for free to the participants.
• patterns must not be reproduced, edited or mass printed.
• credit to Samantha Clair Crochet must be given.
If you are hosting a free workshop and would like a complimentary copy of a pattern PDF please email me at
The patterns may be used to make items to sell under the following conditions:
• items to be made in small batches by sole traders only.
• pricing must be fair and not undervalue the craft. All retail prices must include yarn and materials and an hourly rate not below minimum wage for the area you live and work in.
• the sale of items whereby the maker earns below minimum wage is prohibited.
• credit to be given to Samantha Clair Crochet.
You are prohibited from making videos or other media content with the patterns on this site.
Progress photos posted on social media are not prohibited.
By leaving comments in the comments section you acknowledge that all comments you post can be made public and can be reproduced in part or their entirety.
We reserve the right to remove comments without warning or notification.
All comments must be appropriate for minors. Any inappropriate or malicious comments will be removed. We reserve the right to make judgment on what may be deemed inappropriate or malicious.
You must not upload files into the comments section.
You may not use the comments section to advertise or post third party links.
Pattern Sales
All pattern sales are as PDF files, they are downloaded via the website Ravelry. We do not take responsibility for the service Ravelry provides.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the relevant software to support the downloading of pattern PDF’s before you purchase them.
We reserve the right to update and change these Terms and Conditions at all times.
It is your responsibility to stay up to date with edits made on this page.